Monday 20 June 2016


Hey everyone!

So I just wanted to make this post because if you know me at all, you will know that I can be the vainest bitch alive. But that's just if you know me a little bit. If you know me inside out and upside down (which very few people do) you will know that I can be extremely hard on myself.

This post is a bit different than normal but I like doing these, so we're doing it. I just wanted to document and save this post so that if I ever feel down again, I can come back for a pick me up.

Many of you that I am self taught and started all of this two years ago. I started makeup two years ago and blogging a year ago.

Sometimes it gets hard and you want to give up but thankfully I haven't. Well maybe you're not as thankful for it but I truly love what I do. I'm in it for the love of it.

Now blogging is a hobby which can get you into a lot of trouble regarding haters or whatever but it's just a hobby. An unusual hobby maybe but I really enjoy doing this. I had my rant on snapchat about how I do not get everything handed to me for free, as some may think. Even if I did, that's not why I'm here.

I'm here to share tips, products and to document some moments in my life, just like right now. That's the main aim of my blog. It's truly just dedicated to makeup and all things beauty. Nothing else.

Of course, I am lucky enough to get a few free things offered to me but listen, that's sometimes comes along with what I do and I ain't sorry for that at all.

And with the makeup. Two years is a long long time but I wouldn't want it any other way. I've done a whole other post on that so you can go read it if you want but I dunno. Today, I just want to talk about how proud I am of myself for being self taught.

I really don't mean to offend or bash anyone that has qualifications in ANYTHING but I do feel a certain level of pride when I realize I've done it all myself. I think I'm allowed to be proud of myself and I really don't want anyone to take offense to this but this ones for the self taught people - and I don't just mean makeup. I mean if you're naturally talented in anything that you do and you can be successful with it then more power to ya!

No one had to sit me down and teach me anything. I learned from YouTube and practice. I think it's important to show struggles that we've gone through and learned from but I think it's equally important to show the positives and you can actually be proud of yourself. You're allowed to feel good in the job that you're doing whether it be a profession, being a mammy or just being a friend or family member.

So as I said, not the usual post. I published these types every now and again depending on my mood. I really hope you enjoyed this and feel some bit empowered by it maybe? Let me know what you think & remember that it's okay to proud, it's good to be proud of yourself. Don't let anyone else put you down if you have ever worked for something. Own it.

Bit cheesy but I dunno what type of mood I'm in haha! Back to regular makeup and reviews tomorrow!

Hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for reading!Xx

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