Wednesday 6 January 2016

My Career Journey

Hey everyone!

I know on my Facebook page 'Jodi Roche Makeup' that I said I would be doing blog posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, which I will be but that's starting on Monday the 11th so this just something I want to share with you all, I feel like some can relate to this or maybe it will inspire somebody to do what I did and that doesn't mean 'becoming a makeup artist' it just means 'becoming whatever you want' really.

So if you've been following my blog for a while, you would have seen a post called 'My Makeup Journey' which is a hilarious post but basically I only got into makeup in about 5th year of secondary school so that was like 2013. All I did back then was my own makeup and my close friends for nights out or whatever.

So I just stuck to doing my friends and my own face for that whole year because come 6th year I had the leaving cert to stress about and I was only finding my footing in the makeup area so to speak. I was constantly stuck to YouTube videos learning about new products and tutorials and picking up new skills, methods and ways of doing makeup. Now to be fair and vain, I did think my makeup was really good  for a 17 year old in 2014 like it was grand.

In 2014 I sat my leaving in June and just spent that whole Summer with my friends as our 'last summer together' because we were all parting ways for college in September. But as you know we all have grads/debs and that was fast approaching. My two friends had asked me to do their makeup on the day of our debs, which I was totally fine with because they are like my sisters and I've always been the only one to do their faces for other debs or nights out and stuff. But the debs wasn't until August 28th and on August 20th, that is the day that my Facebook page was made, by Cheyenne of course cause I was too scared to do it myself.

If I remember correctly, I may have actually got some bookings for other debs in our area and I was like in shock, thankfully it was just girls attending debs and not their own because that would have been too much. But yeah that's when it all started.

The debs was great, we had a ball. And shortly after, like a week later, we had to go to college. I was going in alone, like none of my friends were going, we all went to different counties, literally. So yeah in college you have a chance to start over and be who ever you want to be, which is brilliant. But that wasn't me just yet. I was so scared, shy and just kept to myself really.

As the first week went on we all got to know each other but I still didn't mention the makeup. If they searched my own personal profile then yeah they would have found my page but I didn't talk about it for a while anyway. Once I was fully settled in and had a group of friends, then I began talking and I just ended up inviting everyone to 'like' my page haha! How things change so quickly. That was when it all changed because I actually came out of myself and began sharing what I wanted to do and what I loved and thankfully my friends shared an interest in makeup too so it was lovely.

Aside from college, I started to get a bit busier. Mainly at Christmas time and you can imagine why. But that time I was €10 for a full face of makeup with lashes so you might think I ran into a few difficulties and I did. A lot actually. I was working from home, which I still do, but I had no set up or organisation at all. I would do makeup in my own room and then in my brothers room like I was all over the place.

I thought €10 an hour was brilliant pay because I was only 18 and in college so I was like: I'm getting the same or more as my classmates so this is great. But it wasn't, I have a makeup addiction and I always want more and more and better quality products and that money just wasn't covering it. I was stuck in a rut and wanted to get better products and new products to use on my clients because some products are worth the money as they do work.

I stayed at €10 for ages like longer than I should have really. I have one client that has been there for me since day one and that's Debbie. She always said to me that I should be charging more and I never listened because I just love doing makeup, I don't care about the profit side of it and I think if you met me you'd know that I just don't care about that. But I did need money to get better products.

By this time, my whole family and friends and some clients were getting onto me about raising the price so I had a chat with my cousin that's from America and she wrote out for me what I'm meant to say haha thank you Anitra! So I took her advice and basically copy and pasted it as a status and that was it.

After that happened I think I almost had a panic attack. I was so worried about people not coming to me anymore because I was too expensive and all this. But what it showed me was that some people just used me while I was cheap. I don't think my skills had improved much in this time frame so when my 'regulars' bar Debbie, stopped coming I just felt hurt really. It was just a cheap deal for them and they didn't really support me or my work.

This is when the like 'bad' feelings started coming. You can ask any of my close friends or family what I was like during this time. I felt like crap really. I wanted to give up and I thought I was being a fool for trying to be a freelance makeup artist at the age of 18 and not even qualified. I was so hard on myself at times and I still am today but I think that's just part of it all. You can't have a rainbow without a lil bit of rain as they say. Well I got a lot of rain but now I have a massive rainbow.

Just to say to anyone that wants to work on their hobby/interest/talent that you will have some very hard times like you will cry and want to give up and feel like the world is against you but the truth is that, you're your own worst critic and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You're only human and we all make mistakes, no one is perfect and you're certainly not perfect starting out. As long as you don't give up then it'll all work out for you and if it doesn't go the way you want to, it's because something bigger and better is in store for you.

What's for you, won't pass you.

I remember seeing others succeed so much quicker than me and I was like: what am I doing wrong? But now, I'm so thankful I didn't get what I wanted because better things, more suited to me, came my way.

I don't care what anyone says, makeup is not easy. Especially working from home. I had to learn how to talk to people that I had never met before, I had to invite strangers into my home and make them feel welcome, I had to do exactly what the client wanted or at least try to do it, I had/have to wash brushes after every use which takes up so much time and they take a whole day to dry off.  Not only that but for a short while I traveled to people's home and I don't even drive so that put pressure on my family members too. I gained so many new skills through makeup and I couldn't be happier. I've made mistakes and I've learned to not take BS off anyone or be treated like a fool anymore. I had to learn a lot, after all, I was my own boss at the age of 18.

I'm still learning as I go and I will always learn something new about this business as long as I'm in it.

Around April 2015 I only worked from home and had a little set up going. I even made an Instagram account for makeup only and a month later I set up this blog.

I set up the blog because clients always ask questions about makeup and this is a brilliant platform for me to work from. And I also just enjoy doing this, I really do.

I may not have the best grammar or punctuation like I'm not studying English, I study general business in WIT and some day I will combine the two, properly.

That's my journey so far, I started at the very bottom, I've had highs and lows and I then grew on social media between Facebook, Instagram and the Blog. That's a small bit of my journey anyway. I could talk about it forever to be honest and I know I focused a lot on the struggles but I have had more positives than negatives but I just wanted to show that this isn't easy, so if you want something, work for it like go make it happen. It's worthless if its just handed to you. I'm happy I struggled because now I have a story and I'm better now than I ever was before.

My happy sides to all of this are always shared on my Instagram or page, just go have a look. I just did this post to show the harder side of it. And I did this really briefly. I just sat down at 3:30 and began typing, I have a client now so I must go but I hope you can understand a small bit of what I went through to get here and just take something from it.

I just hope this helps someone or inspires someone to do whatever they want to do, please don't think this is about makeup because it's not, that's just my passion.

If you enjoyed this then please let me know, sorry it's so long! Could have been longer haha! Congrats to getting this far, I'll let you go now :)

Thanks for reading!Xx

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