Wednesday 13 January 2016


 Hey everyone so I thought I would do a post on some hair care, it won't be too long!

So first of all, my hair has been every colour possible so that means my hair is in bits. At the moment it's fine, it's just the ombre thing or whatever it's called. But I have to treat it every so often to keep it looking grand.

So I don't have a favorite shampoo or conditioner or anything, I just use whatever ones my mam buys for the house and she usually gets the good quality ones so that doesn't matter to me at all but below here are my current shampoo & conditioner and I love them! My hair is so soft with them!

What I actually think makes a difference are the likes of these sprays you see below. So I love this Dove leave in spray, it really conditions the hair even after the shower so these types of things I think are fab to use but not all the time just once a week or that to help it. Shine sprays are also lovely so make the hair look & feel amazing.

Now I am wicked for trying DIY hair masks and the likes. If I'm lazy I'll buy the 80c ones in the packet in a chemist but I have tried every DIY hair mask you can think of and what I find best is the eggs.

All you do is get one or two eggs, depending on the length of your hair and give them a good mix up and then add in some conditioner. You can add in honey or mayonnaise too but I find that just eggs and conditioner works amazing. It's a perfect hair mask for you to make at home. You can leave this in for an hour or sleep in it. It's great from blondes especially because the egg will strengthen your hair and leave it feeling strong. The honey will soften the hair and make it all shiny.

I try to do this once a week but I'll probably only do it twice a month when I remember. I find that it really works and it actually doesn't smell too bad haha!

There are tones of DIY hair masks on YouTube too but defo give the eggs a go and let me know how you get on!

I'm no expert by any means but I've learned a few tips and tricks over the years and my cousin, who you probably all know, Tara, is a hairdresser so she's taught me a lot too.

  • Try to wash your hair every second day or more. Don't wash it everyday.
  • Make sure to condition.
  • Shampoo is to clean your scalp so don't use too much, you just want to clean the scalp on a daily basis, totes different if you're washing out a dye or something but for everyday.
  • Try to use semi-permanent colours in the hair because permanent colours are just a pain to get out, trust me.
  • If you're colouring your hair a crazy colour, try to get the dye to be water based. It'll only last a week so it's great if you're likely to change your mind & it's just better for your hair in general.
  • Don't wear clip ins too much or any type of extensions because this actually stops your own hair fron growing - or so I've heard but I think it's kinda true!
  • Try to use hair bobbles without that little metal bit on them - it won't break the hair as much.
  • If your hair is a bright colour i.e red, try to find a sulfate free shampoo - it will hold the colour longer - only downside is that it doesn't bubble up and clean as well as shampoos with sulfate.
  • Try to get your hair trimmed as often as you can - it will make your hair stronger.
  • Make homemade hair masks every so often - pamper night!
  •  Use hair oils - coconut oil is the best - it's the answer to everything.
  • If you want thicker or longer hair - try the Mane N Tail horse shampoo cause it worked for me.
I think they're all my little tips for hair care that I've picked up over the years like from YouTube or people. As I said I'm no expert but these are things I've learned over the years and maybe you could try them out too :)

If you take away anything from this post, please let it be the eggs in your hair - smelly, but it works.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Thanks for reading!Xx

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