Tuesday 29 December 2015


Hey everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and let's bring in the New Year with a bang!

I just want to take this post to say sorry for slacking so much on the blog, the reasons being are: college work & exams, catching up with friends over the holidays, the holidays in general and I'm so busy with work, which I am not complaining about at all!

I know that like I could have obvs sat down and done some posts over the holidays but bar taking clients, I just want to spend my spare time with family and friends or else sleeping to be quite honest.

I have been fairly active on my Facebook page which is Jodi Roche Makeup and my Instagram which is jodirochemakeup. Also had a few stories up on the snapchat, I'm not like a proper snapchatter when it comes to makeup so there will be personal and makeup related things on my stories but feel free to add me and it's liljodibubz < don't ask.

I think I just want to say sorry and that I do have many posts in mind to do, so hopefully I'll get those up and I'll reviewing and sharing products with you all, I have so many ideas but I'm always open to a suggestion so let me know!

I honestly don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore but I think recently I've gotten way more back into being a freelance makeup artist because the blog kind of took over for a while and I did loose interest in doing other people's makeup, which is sad because it's how I started and I've been told I'm a little inspiration and that warms my heart, and just seeing people's reaction when they see themselves in the mirror after a makeover just makes my job all worth while.

I will continue with the blog because I do enjoy it! Just kind of took a break, don't have a routine right now but I'll get back into one!

Thanks for hopefully understanding and

Thanks for reading!Xx

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