Saturday 19 December 2015

Nivea Eye Makeup Remover Review

Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been slacking on the more exam to go! Anyways today I want to tell you all about this eye makeup remover from Nivea. I'm sure you have all seen this at some stage in your local chemists.

I just want to say that yes this is an amazing eye makeup remover so I would highly recommend it. That is pretty much my review on the product for it's intended purpose, it is amazing, even removes the Inglot gel liner fully. And how do I know this? Well yes, I did use it on my eyes but here's a little trick of mine. This probably isn't new to anyone else but it is to me.

Use this makeup remover to clean your brushes!

So as you may have seen on my blog or on the internet in general, rubber gloves with little groves can be used to clean brushes. I actually have a baking glove from Penneys, €2, and that cleans my brushes better than anything else.

Now this glove is perfect for everything bigger than an eye shadow brush. I found my liner brushes, which are so tiny anyway, becoming frayed and the bristles were not as compact/tight as before which was making the liner a lot thicker when I did liner on clients.

So with that I began washing the brushes on the palm of my hand as it was softer but I don't know, it wasn't working, maybe it was the shampoo and soap. Anyway then a client suggested a load of remedies and she actually mentioned makeup remover. When I received this makeup remover at the #DeiseBloggers event, I was delighted.

So now what I do is use this cleanser to remove my eye makeup, as well as clean my brushes because as I said it even removes the Inglot gel liner which is like bullet proof.

So what I do is just put the brush at the nozzle and tip the bottle over a bit to get the brush wet and wipe clean onto a soft tissue and my brushes are completely clean and liner free. This has also helped to soften up the bristles which is great for keeping the quality of the brush! Now there's a nice little tip for those that use brushes to apply liner.

This also works amazing for lip brushes.

I would highly recommend this eye makeup remover! You'd be surprised at how brilliant this would be as even a stocking filler!

Available in Sam McCauleys for under €5!

Hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!Xx

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